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Lead-mx helps early-stage startups gain sales traction quicker. We help you generate demand, onboard partners, build a qualified sales pipeline - all while gradually building your sales team.

Sales Strategy

We thoroughly analyze your target markets, positioning, pricing, channels, sales cycle, lead generation, lead conversion, and current sales tools and processes. We then develop, together with you, an ad-hoc sales strategy that is optimized to your current state and focused on short-term results.

Sales Management

Help hire, train, and enable your first sales team members, optimize sales infrastructure, methodologies, processes and playbook. Set up processes and tools for pipeline management, automated lead nurturing, marketing-to-sales handoff, tracking and monitoring.

Demand Generation

Identify and onboard sales partners and channels using unique outreach tactics and activities. Generate sales qualified leads, using a limited budget

The “Catch-22” Sales Challenge, Early stage startups with promising technology are often hindered by a “Catch-22” marketing and sales challenge. You need sales traction to prove to investors and customers that your business is viable, but you can’t really afford hiring a top-notch VP Sales. And with a limited budget, unknown brand, and too many tasks on your hands - how do you recruit partners, generate leads and build a sales pipeline?

This is where we come in. Our practice incorporates sales strategy and field-proven tactics that deliver short-term sales results. Building on our rich sales track record with both large and small companies, we work together with top management to define an optimized sales strategy that maximizes your current resources and capabilities. We then take the next step and help you execute on the strategy to achieve sales traction.


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